Aambo - A tribal carnival | D&D | Noomdaki | 27th November 2022

Aambo - A tribal carnival | D&D | Noomdaki | 27th November 2022


You have arrived in Juhok, the capital of Noomdaki at a time of celebration and festivities! It’s Her Highness Xaba’s Birthday week after all!!

It’s day 03 and the highlight of the week is finally here - AAMBO, the much awaited tribal carnival has begun! Where merchants, traders, magicians, chefs, gypsies and folks you may have never seen or heard of, gather with their new inventions, discoveries & mystical secrets to bedazzle all your senses!!
Lucky for you to have completed your mission and arrived here with your pockets full. Now is the time to splurge all that reward you earned!

How will you spend it?!

Short overview for players:

This is a story set during 275 AD (After Drift) in Noomdaki, a kingdom in a world then known as Ikaa. Noomdaki was formed after the major platonic shift in Ikaa, with the migration of tribes trying to survive. It became a home for many tribes due to its geographical advantage. A small settlement expanded from village to town and then to a kingdom under matriarchal monarchy rule. Currently, its nine provinces are led by her Holi Highness Xaba. Noomdaki gained its popularity because of an inter-tribe culture flourishing throughout its beautiful landscapes in peace & harmony.

A home-brewed campaign created by RollODie.

A beginner-friendly One Shot Campaign with a good mix of the three pillars of D&D: Roleplaying - Adventuring - Combat. If you like making strategic decisions and problem-solving, then join us for this horrifying and thrilling campaign.

Date and time 27th November 2022; 12 PM Sharp
Place Watson’s
System and Setting D&D 5e
Safety/content tool X Card as a safety tool
*WARNING: This adventure has themes of capitalization, barter system, gore, blood, xenophobia, and possible self-harm
Character creation Level 4 pre-gen characters
Number of players 5min - 10max
PS: Think ‘Tribal’ for your character’s name.

Current players:

Drop a reply below if you want to participate in this adventure!