The Clearwater Curse | D&D 5E | Level 3 | June 9 | Underline Center

The town of Clearwater has been inexplicably more prosperous than its neighbours since the latest Mayor came to power, but Sir Goodbarrow shares his secrets with nobody.

It seems the town’s future is even brighter, with the mayor’s daughter catching the eye of a young prince. However, the peaceful forests around Clearview appear to have changed ever since the wedding announcement, and the very foundation of the town seems threatened.

You and your team of bold adventurers have been asked to find out what is wrong with the once-tranquil woods and all the creatures within. Can you solve what ails the forest before this royal wedding?

This is a beginner-friendly game with elements of roleplay, mystery and combat. Creative solutions are welcome!

Date and time June 9, 12pm
Place Underline Centrer, Indiranagar
System and Setting Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition
Safety/content tool Lines and Veils, X Card
Character creation Pre-generated level 3 characters; please contact the DM if you wish to bring your own
Number of players 5

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hey any seats left for this game?