Tabletop Thursday Online - Every Thursday, 7:30PM on Discord!

Unfortunately this lockdown spelled the end of board games for a lot of us. We’ve been spending the past few weeks trying to replicate a friendly, gaming-centric space online.

Every Thursday evening we’ve been playing games with a small(ish) group of people, and now we’re at a point where we’re confident enough to invite everyone!

Tabletop Thursday is now going to be online every Thursday at the same time - 7pm to 10:30pm on the ReRoll Discord!

Discord is a community chat service (with text/audio) that is built specifically to run and manage online communities.

We’ve got a bunch of games for you’ll to play, you just need a laptop/phone with a working internet connection and a microphone to join!

Most games don’t need any apps or complicated downloads, you can just play it from your browser or inside Discord directly.

Click this big button to join us:

What we’re playing:

Game Details What/How/etc
Railroad Ink A roll-and-write game where you draw road and train routes on your board to score as many points as possible in 7 turns.
Carcassonne/Kingdomino/Love Letter/Incan Gold/7 Wonders Games that you can play on your browser on (please google)
Codenames A team-based word game about guessing the code names of your team’s agents faster than the other team
Jackbox Party A fun set of party/mini games that people can play via their phone browser. We most likely will play Push The Button!
Just One! A cooperative party game in which you play together to discover as many mystery words as possible
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes A co-op bomb defusal game where one person is in a room with a bomb and teammates has to refer to a manual to help them solve it via voice only
Wavelength A team based game about reading the minds of your teammates
Welcome to… A roll-and-write game about building the best town possible
Spyfall A fun social deception game of asking simple questions to deduce which player among you is secretly the spy
Secret Hitler A hidden identity game (kind of like Mafia) that pits Liberals against Fascists, as they try to gain control of Germany
Resistance: Avalon A hidden identity game (kind of like Mafia) set in King Arthur’s era as loyal servants of the King against the minions of Mordred.
Tabletop Simulator A “video game” engine that lets you a play a vast number of board games virtually with friends. You will need to download the game for this.