Welcome to Tabletop Thursday #182 online!
Last week’s TT #181 live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVZPPWOrd88
We’re playing board games (or similar) online with our community every week on Thursdays from 7PM.
You can watch the stream at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUSqpOaiyBw
Join the community chat (both text and audio) at:
7PM - 8PM Sketchful
A pictionary-like game that people can drop in and out of. Mobile browser friendly, no login or account required.
Game 1 link: Sketchful.io - Multiplayer Drawing and Guessing Pictionary Game
Game 2 link (incase the first is full): Sketchful.io - Multiplayer Drawing and Guessing Pictionary Game
8PM - 8:30PM - Board game quiz with Berty Ashley
A board game quiz on YouTube, with people answering questions in YouTube chat.
Quiz link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUSqpOaiyBw
8:30PM onwards - Secret Hitler
Due to secrethitler.io being down, we rescheduled this to a later date. We were playing sketchful.io instread.
Play Secret Hitler in your browser! You’ll need to make an account on secrethitler.io, and you’ll need to join our discord if you want to participate in the voice chat.
Game link:https://secrethitler.io/game/#/table/CutAxiomaticIndustriousWasp
Voice chat: Discord