Mining Strike | D&D 5e One Shot | 24th September | 12pm, Bohemians, Indiranagar

This is beyond preposterous. The new management, Arkon Universal Supplies, of this mining colony, has increased the quotas, pushing everyone to overtime and now they won’t even let you stop work. There have been reports of massive injuries and dangerous unknown elements being mined down here and even more dangerous security measures they’ve installed. But all that this new management cares about seems to be their bottom line.
You’ve had enough, and so has the rest of the newly formed Elrond Miner’s Union. It’s time this Strike is taken right to the top, and maybe to someone’s face directly.

It is your party’s goal to climb the social and career ladders, sometimes literally, and help your fellow workers get a fair deal in all this.

This beginner-friendly adventure is suited for Level 3 to 5 characters (table preference). There will have a healthy mix of exploration, roleplaying and combat. And maybe some thwarting of Capitalism

Date and time 24th September, 12pm
Place Bohemian’s Indiranagar
System and Setting D&D 5e
Safety/content tool Lines and Veils
Character creation Level 3 to 5 Pregenerated Characters or Custom Characters by players
Number of players 5 players
Slots filled 0/5

Please select this game/table when purchasing a ticket for this event. Just replying to this post is not a confirmation.