We’re thinking about making this forum the main reroll.in website.
Currently reroll.in has no new content. We use it primarily for shortlinks (like reroll.in/tt and reroll.in/chat).
It also ranks a lot higher in organic search results for board games in India.
We’ll need to make some custom header navigation and banner to essentially act as a homepage and give an overview of who we are and how to navigate the site.
@nemo you have any opinions on this? We can move things like reroll.in/search or use Discourse’s page publishing feature Page Publishing - admins - Discourse Meta to do full page embeds.
I like the idea (makes the forum more visible), but I also like the current website very much. Maybe a reroll.in/links page that keeps the current links (in addition to the footer?)
Is there a way for us to preserve the shortlinks as well?
I would be okay with the /search using Page publishing, but it might impact the styling - can you create forum.reroll.in/search so we can test this?
Yeah we can. What are the existing stuff though? Only search has it’s own page with a custom script. All the other links can work since discourse supports permalinks. Like forum.reroll.in/tt works the same as reroll.in/tt