Galaxy Trucking Trash Pandas | Crash Pandas | 10th November | Underline Center, Indiranagar

Space Courier Raccoons! Do you need more explanation?

Come play this weird amalgamation of Futurama meets Galaxy Trucker meets Crash Pandas

Totally new player friendly and fully chaotic scenario. I’d recommend watching this if you want to get an idea on how the game works. I also recommend watching this see how dumb and awesome this system is.

Date and time Sunday, November 10th, 12pm
Place Underline Center, Indiranagar
System and Setting Crash Pandas (modified)
Safety/content tool X-Card
Character creation You can come with your own raccoon backstory on how you ended up working for a courier agency in space but we’ll do most of the character creation on the spot
Number of players 4 players

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