Aphrodite's Gauntlet | D&D 5E | April 14 2024 | Underline Center

She comes to you, in a dream. Aphrodite, the Goddess of love - and in the spirit of that, she offers you an opportunity: a single Wish, for you, and your True Love. All you have to do is get through her gauntlet, and be the last person standing at the end, and her blessing is yours.
A Wish is a powerful thing to grant any mortal - but you are keenly aware that you are not the one who needs it the most - not when your city’s local barkeep, Darien, is suffering. His wife has contracted a fatal illness, and he has announced that he is planning to brave the Gauntlet to save her life. The problem is, Darien is not an adventurer. He’s not even in great shape. He will be slaughtered in the very first room of that dungeon - unless you and your allies can help see him through it. Will you take up his cause as your own, and brave Aprhodite’s Gauntlet to see his wife restored to health? Or will you let him down, and take that Wish for yourself? Either way, it’s not going to be easy - because you’re not the only adventurer Aphrodite came to.

Aphrodite’s Gauntlet is a beginner-friendly D&D game, a one-shot for those new to D&D. You and your fellow adventurers (and Darien!) will brave the dangers of Aphrodite’s Gauntlet, face her challenges, and find out who among you is most worthy of her blesssing.

Date and time April 14, 12pm
Place Indiranagar, Underline Center
System and Setting D&D 5E
Safety/content tool Lines & Veils, the X Card. Content Warning: Possible character death
Character creation Level 3 Characters shall be created by the GM and provided to players at the venue
Number of players 5

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