A walk through the Feywild | D&D 5E One-Shot |28th July

Date and time 28th July
Place Underline Center - Indiranagar
System and Setting D&D 5e
Safety/content tool Lines & Veils
Character creation Custom Pregen Sheets to be provided at the game. Requests can be made in advance for your class or own character creation ~ Level 3 characters
Number of players 4

As fledgling heroes from the sword coast. You have been sent to the Feywild to retrieve a rare flower to be used in a ceremony to heal a friend. The Feywild is a wondrous but dangerous place that changes on whims and emotions of its denizens. A land of wild flora, fauna and fairies. Every place within is as beautiful as it is haunting. The plane of the Feywild is governed by 3 rules all who stay and visit there must adhere to.
The Rule of Hospitality – “When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger enters your home, you are expected to be gracious and accommodating to them until such time as they prove, by their words or actions, undeserving of such hospitality.
The Rule of Ownership – “You must not steal from a friend, an enemy, or a stranger. To take something that doesn’t belong to you without the rightful owner’s permission is a crime and an unforgivable breach of etiquette.
The Rule of Reciprocity – “When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger offers you a gift, you are obliged to accept it and offer something of comparable value (be it a gift or a service) in return. Such reciprocation need not happen immediately.

This is going to be a light-hearted, co-operative and conversation and story driven D&D adventure and players will role-play with their characters and NPCs with a sprinkle of combat. The Feywild will be full of tricks and players will have to think as much for themselves and cannot always rely on game mechanics to aid them.

This is a beginner-friendly one shot and no prior knowledge of the rules is necessary. Feel free to reach out to me.

Please select this game/table when purchasing a ticket for this event. Just replying to this post is not a confirmation.

However, do reply below to indicate your interest in the game and discuss anything with me, the DM.